Sunday, September 11, 2016

Good News Upcoming Exhibitions of "Portraits and Memores: Legacies of Service"


When you bring together two large bodies of work and three generations of stories you find the reflection of a time and the lives of it’s people in the images and stories.  I have brought together my “Portraits of American Veterans Project” and “Memories of an Era” to create a sweeping exhibition that engages the viewer in discovering they’re own connections to the veterans in their lives and communities.

I'm working on more extensive documentation and descriptive text to bring both bodies of work together.  


"Memories of an Era: Reflections of Our Time" exhibit in the Sage Gallery 2005.

"Memories of an Era: Reflections of Our Time" exhibit at the National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum in 2007-08.

"Portraits of American Veterans Project" in the Sage Gallery 2013

"GE Cultural Diversity Corporate Gallery" Fairfield , Connecticut 2012.